Portland’s Mentor Pilot Program a Success
Mortenson Program Committed to Advancing Women-Owned and Minority-Owned Firms
In just six months, Mortenson's WMBE Empowered Program, piloted in Portland, has proven to be a significant success. This program plays a crucial role in empowering women and minority-owned construction businesses by helping them overcome unique challenges, fostering mentorship, providing essential training, and offering robust support. The program underscores Mortenson's dedication to advancing women-owned and minority-owned contractors in the competitive construction industry.
For Lindsay Verdugo, a Senior Community Empowerment Specialist with Mortenson, the success of this program serves as a model for future mentorship programs across the country, unique to each marketplace. “Our Empowered Program is firmly grounded in Mortenson’s Community Empowerment ethos. With a focus on breaking down barriers and creating access for small and diverse businesses, we are so pleased to see the engagement with this pilot program and the ongoing economic health that this brings to our community. Our hope is that this program expands to support communities and diverse businesses across the nation,” Verdugo said.
For a detailed account of the program's achievements and its positive impact on the community, please read the full article here.