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Back to School Supply Drive

School is starting in Portland, Oregon and our team members wanted to make the first day of class memorable for students at the Community Transitional School in North East Portland. The Portland Office and jobsites collected school supplies in a month-long drive to help students in need. The group collected backpacks, pens, pencils, books, art supplies and playground equipment for the children. 


The Community Transitional School is an important part of Portland’s local community in that it provides important educational services to children who are homeless or otherwise at risk of school failure. Their purpose is to provide children with a stable, supportive environment that promotes both their personal and academic growth.


The supply drive in Portland coincides with one in our neighboring state of Washington. The Mortenson Seattle Office collected over 100 backpacks (some of them stuffed), 15+ full bags and 5 overflowing boxes of supplies from team members hoping to make a difference. Supplies collected in Seattle benefit the United Way of Pierce County.

To learn more about the Portland Community Transitional School or the United Way of Pierce County, visit: 
Community Transitional School