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BPA Ross Complex Redevelopment Project Rendering

Vancouver, WA

BPA Ross Complex Redevelopment

How do you upgrade a critical infrastructure campus without halting operations?


Facts and Figures

Multiple projects spanning 10 years

Delivery Method

Progressive Design-Build

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) provides clean, reliable, and affordable hydropower over 300,000 square miles to eight states throughout the Pacific Northwest. The multi-year, multi-facility redevelopment project will revitalize the Ross Complex Campus, an active 260-acre facility with multiple offices, maintenance buildings and a large substation in Southwest Washington.

The redevelopment project will span 10 years and includes project sequencing, logistics and change management, demolition of several aging facilities on campus, a new chemistry lab, fuel island and adaptive reuse of the hazardous materials building, seismic upgrades, and civil and security infrastructure improvements.

The Technical Services Building (TSB) is the first project on campus and will house lab, office, and workstation modules. The TSB is a critical component of BPA’s operations and will consolidate the control room infrastructure in a new, more efficient, purpose-built space.

As BPA provides 28% of the electric power in the Northwest and powers the lives of three million people, it is critical that the redevelopment project is completed without disruptions to campus operations.