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modern building constructed for sustainability

Portland, OR

Oregon Health and Science University

How do you successfully renovate an occupied hospital without disturbing its operations?


Facts and Figures

Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU)


Construction Cost: $500K - $10M per project


Sustaining Work Projects

Delivery Method

Mortenson is currently serving as a Master Vendor – General Contractor for Oregon Health and Science University's (OHSU) Design and Construction group (DesCon) and supports the capital construction demands of DesCon as well as its operating partner groups. Projects are undertaken by DesCon via the Master Vendor – General Contractor program range up to a limit of $5M in contract value and include a variety of scopes within OHSU's Portland-area facilities.

Current & Completed Sustaining Work Projects:

OHSU LBRB Chem. Bio Relocation

OHSU MAC Auditorium Remodel

OHSU Vollum Phase II deferred Maintenance

OHSU Baconguis Lab Renovation

OHSU Mail Order Pharmacy and Call Center