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University NMR lab area

Minneapolis, MN

U of MN NMR Center Renovation

How do you repurpose an unused parking ramp into a state of the art research lab?

Due to the new light rail construction through Washington Avenue on the East Bank, the University of Minnesota needed to relocate their Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) magnets, which were located only a few feet away from the planned light rail route, into the structurally condemned parking garage under the Mayo Building. The project not only includes new laboratory and office space, but also a redesign of the surface parking and delivery space for the adjacent hospital into a public green space, chemical laboratory spaces, exterior repairs/restoration, new HVAC system, and fire/life safety system.

- Cost-effective reuse of existing University assets.
- Extensive renovation completed on time, within budget, built to Minnesota B3 sustainable guidelines.
- State-of-the-art lab is safe from vibration and electromagnetic interference due to LRT construction.