Parker Moore
Project Executive | denver
As Project Executive, Parker Moore is an integral member of the Mortenson Denver team. Beginning his career with a focus on infrastructure and a background project estimation, Moore supported several marquee projects at the preconstruction stage in Denver. He’s since worked across core asset areas such as infrastructure development, including work on federal highways and public facilities such as parks and golf courses. In a leadership capacity, Moore has managed several large-scale projects including the Highpoint Logistics Park Development and the Box Elder Development. His diligent attention to detail and hardworking nature drives his initiative to maximize opportunities to advance our work in the market.
Cultivating a Culture of Growth
At Mortenson, we foster a culture of excellence, and that means supporting intentional professional growth for each of our team members. We strive to be the best of the best at every level. That investment in our team development leads to stellar outcomes for our customers.
Building Lasting Partnerships
Our craft engagement and the rapport our trade teams have built contribute to our reputation as a leading builder in our industry. We are as committed to doing right thing by our trade partners as we are to doing the right thing by our customers, our community and our people.
Technological Solutions for the Future
Prefabrication and vertical integration are the future of our industry. We are constantly working to reimagine what’s possible, developing solutions to unique challenges facing our customers. We are actively investing in and pushing the boundaries of our industry to be better, greener, safer, and more efficient.